Unreal Series: Authentic Relationships for Men and Women


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Unreal Series: Authenticity

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This is part of the "Unreal Series", a series of products that go far beyond the limitations of what people think is possible.


What is included in the download?
Instant MP3 download of Unreal Series: Enlightenment

What is the best way to maximize effectiveness?
Listen before you go to bed, at least once a day for 21 days. Most people will see results within 1-7 days.

What is the expected outcome?

What if you could be fully seated in the truest most authentic version of yourself when interacting with people? Commonly we wear masks in public. I invite you to remember the last time you interacted with a co-worker or loved on. Chances are you were not being fully 100% yourself. Maybe you were giving them the answers you thought they wanted. Maybe you believe that you just can't truly be yourself to be successful in communicating?

Our society has taught us that to find safety and security we must deny our true authenticity. This translates into how we relate to family, and others. What if on the deepest level you could truly embrace your authenticity, and by doing so have even deeper connections with men and women?

When we give ourselves permission to be our authentic selves, it allows a flowing abundance of energy and fulfillment for all parties. This leads to deeper levels of friendships, relationships and connections in business, romance and life in general.

1. You will find that you experience romantic/platonic relationships where your authentic self shines, is appreciated, and accepted.This means you no longer have to try to be something you're not to have success in the world.

2. You will find that as you give yourself permission to be authentic, so will others around you. This means you will be free from the need for others to be a certain way for you to feel comfortable, safe and secure

3. You will find that insights, innovations and inspirations about yourself and others simply because you now appreciate the uniqueness in all. This means you are free from the stressful paradigm of constantly comparing who is "better".

4. You will experience a deep appreciation for all relationships . This means you will be able to unlock and experience the gifts of older and newer relationships.

5. You will find that this translates into increased success with all aspects of your life that involve social interaction.

What commitment do you have to make?
You need to listen to the MP3 at least every day for 21 days minimum.

What if I have more questions on how to use it?
Every customer gets lifetime email consultation. Simply send me an email and I will help you with any concerns.

What kind of money back guarantee do I get?
There are no refunds on this specific product due the nature and value of this powerful tool.

Where can I get more information?

CLICK HERE for testimonials of this product and many more!


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