Unreal Series: Knowledge of Center


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Knowledge of Center

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This is part of the "Unreal Series", a series of products that go far beyond the limitations of what people think is possible.


What is included in the download?
Instant MP3 download of Unreal Series: Enlightenment

What is the best way to maximize effectiveness?
Listen before you go to bed, at least once a day for 21 days. Most people will see results within 1-7 days.

What is the expected outcome?

What if you could bridge the gap between the conceptual understanding of your higherself and subconscious mind. Thus allowing you to integrate both, working with both in partnership and harmony for your goals?

Many people struggle with the conceptual knowledge/power of their higher self and subconscious minds. Some have beliefs which inhibit this healthy relationship. Many believe their "higher self" is a deity that exists out side of themselves. It is not, it is simply a higher level of awareness that exists in your "center". When we say "higherself" we are talking about the vibrational frequency, we are not talking about the physical location.

Many people conceptually lack the knowing that their subconscious minds are not servants or tyrants, but rather a powerful friend.

The Spirit Molecule and Enlightenment are designed to bring you from 0-100 all at once very fast.

We understand not everyone is ready for that kind of jump. Some desire the ability to know themselves and integrate so they can move at their own comfortable pace.

This mp3 was designed to bridge the gap of trust/understanding/knowing between you, your higher self, and subconscious mind.

1. You will find that you stop seeing your "higher self" as a deity outside of yourself, but rather a power at our "center".

2. You will find that that as your conception/relationship of your center/higher self heals, your ability to work with your higher self/center will improve drastically.

3. You will find that all the preconceived ideas of hardship/spiritual struggle in terms of this relationship with center will be cleared. This means everything you do will be easier.

What commitment do you have to make?
You need to listen to the MP3 at least every day for 21 days minimum.

What if I have more questions on how to use it?
Every customer gets lifetime email consultation. Simply send me an email and I will help you with any concerns.

What kind of money back guarantee do I get?
There are no refunds on this specific product due the nature and value of this powerful tool.

Where can I get more information?

CLICK HERE for testimonials of this product and many more!


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