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AndroBoost: Enhanced Masculinity and Male Vitality

(image for) AndroBoost: Enhanced Masculinity and Male Vitality
AndroBoost: Enhanced Masculinity and Male Vitality


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Did you know that male testosterone has declined 1% each year since 1983? That means the average male in 2020 has about 30% less testosterone than in 1983.

There are plenty of reasons for this, from BPAs in our plastics that simulate estrogen to chemicals in our food poor diets. Add that it is no longer "politically correct" to be a masculine male, and it creates a whole new dynamic of the subconscious blocks most men are not even aware of......but these blocks can still affect you.

Whatever the reason is, you feel that something is a bit off. You know that as masculine as you feel now, there could be more to your male vitality and your being. You know that whether you are a young man or an older male the issue is the same. You need to address this or you end up becoming a "beta male", shunned by women and not really respected in the world. While I don't prescribe to the use of words like "beta male", I find its the best way I can communicate to those of you who are aware of the importance of being a confident, masculine man.

This isn't your fault, in case you have not noticed, society has been deliberately attacking masculinity and male health. Don't take my word for it, check out the new all soy "impossible burger" being offered in restaurants. Did you know that it has 18 million times the estrogen as a regular hamburger? Is that coincidence? Or what about men being blamed for all the ills of the world? This creates a powerful subconscious fear in men of being masculine, whether or not they are aware of it.

Once your mind and body is in balance, you can fully express yourself through your masculinity as nature intended. I created this to help all the men out there heal and boost their masculine energy, male hormones, and male vitality to be the confident masculine man that you, your partner, and the world needs.

What is included in this download?
Andro Boost: Enhanced Masculinity and Male Vitality Mp3. This is designed to restore hormonal and mental balance and healing for you to experience optimum male vitality and enhanced masculinity. this product addresses healing needed in BOTH the mind and body. Most products such as herbs or pills only focus on the body. However, without addressing the subconscious and mental aspects you won't see nearly the same results.

What is the best way to maximize effectiveness?
Choose the one you want to listen to or listen to them both. It is VITAL that you use a high quality pair of ear buds or headphones. Cheap three-dollar ear buds or headphones are not capable of capturing all the isochronal tones and subliminals.

What is the expected outcome?

1. You will find you physically, mentally and emotionally become more masculine so you can walk through the world with confidence
2. Your body's hormone levels will adjust to support superior male vitality and health so you can enjoy increased health and performance in the bedroom
3. You will find your energy improves allowing you to get more done so you can achieve your goals faster
4. Free from any subconscious shame or guilt from being masculine, allowing you to assert yourself in a powerful graceful manner
5. You will find your mind works better once your body is operating at peak masculine hormone levels, allowing you to be the alpha that woman desire and men respect
6. You will experience any deep healing needed on a physical and emotional level so you experience life as a powerful, kind, courteous unapologetic male.
7. An increase in natural male hormones and testosterone
8. A huge increase/spike in testosterone and your body will not respond to any toxins that lower your T levels ( AndroBoostPlus )
9. None of the negative side effects that you would experience from using steroids or growth hormones so you don't have to worry about your testicles shrinking, or fits of rage.

What commitment do you have to make?
Listen to this MP3 once a day before you go to bed so you can fall asleep listening. Most people say results happen in the first week. However, you will need to listen each night for 21 days in a row to ensure success. Keep in mind that this is a subliminal, so you will not be able to hear anything being said. It is designed this way to bypass your conscious mind.

What if I have more questions on how to use it?
Every customer gets lifetime email consultation. Simply send me an email and I will help you with any concerns.

What kind of money back guarantee do I get?
I offer a money back guarantee if you do not see results AFTER 30 days of consistent use. This is to avoid people downloading the product and saying it does not work after one day in the hopes of getting it for free. I know the products work if you use them properly and as long as you ask questions when you do not understand something.

Where can I get more information?
CLICK HERE for testimonials of this product and many more!


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