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Unreal Series: Options Trader

(image for) Unreal Series: Options Trader
Unreal Series: Options Trader


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Unreal Series: Options Trader V1

Unreal Series: Options Trader V2

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I originally designed this for someone to have at least a 90 percent win rate trading options.

For this to work you will need a proven method of trading options and negating losses. If you do not have one, the mp3 will lead you to find one most in alignment with you.

The problem with most trading isn’t the technique, it is the psychology and emotions that effect us. These emotions are triggered based on the beliefs we have, many of these beliefs are not in our conscious awareness. These beliefs can range from

1.Belief in Scarcity
2.Belief in Missing out on opportunities
3.Belief one needs to suffer to receive something
4.Believe one may lose love if they better themselves
5.Fear of the unknown
6.Fear of success
7.Fear in being punished for not “working hard” for money
8.Fear of hurting those you love by being “better” financially
9. Fear of Loss ( a big one )
10. Belief you can't control your emotions etc
When we have these beliefs, it causes “weird” things to happen during trading, or it seems like “bad luck” but it just your subconscious keeping you safe.

For this mp3 to work you will need to listen for at least 30 days in a row before trading. If you choose to trade while listening in this 30 day period, you may experience “loss”, however this loss is designed to bring to your attention certain beliefs so they can be cleared.

Perhaps you will become aware that you fear “missing an opportunity in life” or that you “miss your chance to finally get love”, these beliefs will be brought to the surface and cleared.

You see, these beliefs effect your whole life, you just become aware of them during trading since the affect is instant.

Therefore, you will need to trade with a small amount that you can afford a loss ( ten dollar loss for example).

Of course its easier just to listen first to avoid all this before trading.

What is included in the download?
Instant download of Two Unreal Series Subconscious Subliminal audios to program your mind for over 90 Percent trading success. A silent and ambient noise version.

What is the best way to maximize effectiveness?
Listen before you go to bed, at least once a day for 30 days. Most people will begin see results in about 7 days.

What is the expected outcome?

What if you could be free from any and all emotional, mental, spiritual and subconscious beliefs preventing you from mastering Options trading? What if, you had access to an almost "unreal" and god like ability at trading?

The problem with most "trading" mp3s is that people try to define what makes the perfect "trader". The problem with this cookie cutter method is that what one person needs is different from what you may require.
The unique thing about my perfect subliminal formula is that the attributes YOU specifically need to be a guru at trading will manifest within you.
We want to go beyond just being a expert Options trader, we want our clients to have an "unreal" almost "Uncanny" edge.

This is designed for "experts" and "novices" because the product makes adjustments to your specific needs to turn you into a surreal trader. We are thinking "beyond" the cookie cutter approach..

This is why no other subliminal company has as many amazing testimonials. We are operating on a different frequency of what is possible..

You will:

1. Find that you are free from the fear, doubt, anxiety while trading so you can focus on creating wealth easily and quickly

2. You will easily manifest, acquire, learn or develop any new knowledge, skillz, or abilities you need to be uncanny at Options trading. This allows you to let go of "worrying" if you are learning the right techniques or not.

3. Your ability to easily and quickly acquire wealth will grow at an geometric rate, so you can enjoy life the way you desire and buy what you want

4. All of the unique attributes that YOU specifically need to quickly excel and master Options trading will manifest within you in just a few weeks or less.....so you can quickly enjoy your success without waiting years to master Option trading.

5. You will find that your ability to trade will exceed your perceived limitations of what is possible.

6. You will find your abilities to trade will be uncanny in the eyes of those who are not initiated in the power of the mind.

What commitment do you have to make?
I know I said this before, but it is very important, for this to work you will need to have CLEARLY written down goals that you review daily for at least a few minutes. If you have no clear goals that you want to manifest, then this product will not activate the true potential inside you. It it also encouraged to spend a few minutes daily imagining your goals have already manifested.

What if I have more questions on how to use it?
Every customer gets lifetime email consultation. Simply send me an email and I will help you with any concerns.

What kind of money back guarantee do I get?
Usually I do not offer refunds on the Unreal Series because of the nature of the formula and the priceless value of the products. However for a limited time I am offering my standard guarantee to encourage more testimonials. I am doing this because there is so much garbage out there in terms of trading promises, I know people are skeptical. I offer a rock solid money back guarantee if you do not see results AFTER 60 days of consistent use. The reason for 60 days is that it will take at least 30 days to clear the trauma from you and then another 30 days for you to build up your trading account.
This policy is to avoid people downloading the product and saying it does not work after one day in the hopes of getting it for free. I know the products work if you use them properly and as long as you ask questions when you do not understand something.

Where can I get more information?
CLICK HERE for testimonials of this product and many more!


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